Mozambique Travel Advice List

mozambique travel advice

Before traveling abroad, it’s important to consider some things. And this country is not an exception. So we decided to prepare and share a Mozambique travel advice list, for those planning to visit the country.

Mozambique travel advice:

  1. Passport validity: six months minimum.
  2. Visa: different kinds of visas: ordinary ones (for tourism), visiting family/friends, for cooperation and for business. You must check with the Embassy of Mozambique of your country.  
  3. Vaccinations: if your flights are stopping at any country where yellow fever is endemic, Mozambican officers may ask for yellow fever card. But there is no yellow fever here. If you are flying from Portugal directly to Mozambique, yellow fever card is not necessary. But if your flight stops in Nairobi (Kenya) for instance, yellow fever card may be necessary. On the other hand, talk to your doctor and epidemiologist for further recommendations. This is one of the main topics on our Mozambique travel advice list.
  4. Currency and cash limits: with new regulations, the limit is 10.000 USD. We do recommend to bring some cash and card. Euros, USD and rands are easily exchanges here. Other currencies may be not be accepted.
  5. Safety and security: use private taxis to move around. Talk to your hotel or relatives/friends for transfers. Carry with you only the necessary items, i.e., mobile phone (don’t walk and talk at the same time; someone passing by can take from you; close your window when in a taxi if you are texting or talking), identification (legalized copy of your passport and visa), some money and/or one card (don’t take or your cards or money with you; leave at the locker in your hotel) and don’t wear jewelry. 
  6. Health: there are several options. We recommend ICOR, SHIFAA HOSPITAL, CLÍNICA SOMMERSCHIELD, 222 and Private Hospital of Maputo.

Here some important contacts you must have in case of emergencies:

  • Central Hospital: 21 235 000 / 21 325 009.
  • Police: 21 325 031.
  • Firemen: 21 322 222 / 800 198 198.
  • Airport: 21 465 827/9.

To help you with the best part of Your travel planning we prepared a few more hepful articles:

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